Shaman 5E Class (PDF)

27,87 kr. DKK

An Erenel 5E class is here for players who want to be spiritual guides or master the elements.

In the beginning, a Shaman may not understand the Calling that allows  their acute sense of the thin veil between the material and ethereal  plane. Over time, many Shamans embrace their ancestors and are fortunate  to find this guidance to be their Calling. The ancestors offer protection to the Shaman, empowering their lineage as spirit guardians.

Other callings are more ancient in nature, such as the bestial ways of  the Primal Deities. As a disciple of the Primals, the Shaman is charged  with maintaining the balance of natural order and helping guide others  into their service. Storm Keepers form from the connection the Shaman  supports with the elemental planes, specifically air and water. They are  the eyes of the storm. 

It is without question that all Shamans have an unmatched affinity to  the spirits of the living. These spiritual guardians represent their  clans' safety, the bond between life after death, and the elements'  energy.

This class is also included for all Gold Brewer Patrons

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